Sometimes I complain about how I haven't managed to achieve everything I've wanted to. OK, maybe I spend a lot of time complaining. In BYBS form, therefore, I came up with a list of things that I'm glad I haven't done:
- Become a drug addict.
- Become a drug dealer.
- Flunked out of college.
- Screwed over a friend.
- Killed anyone.
- Started a war.
- Bilked people out of large amounts of money (a la Enron).
Now mind you, I have cheated at Monopoly. And then there was that geography test and ... oh never mind.
The thing about BYBS (at least for me) is how you look at the world. The world doesn't change, just my way of looking at it.
Seems like a worthwhile shift of perspective occasionally ... and I'm glad to add that I've done none of the things on your list either ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
You and I are the same kind of under-achiever. The world needs more of us!
Well, put me on that list too but I never thought of it in that light before. I just figure I will keep trying and if I touch someone's life, good for me. I don't need to know about it or receive praise.
And you always look at it differently!
I'm so glad you fail at being an asshole :)
It's an amusing list ..And i must confess a perspective that is shared when world is grey ..out of woisdom i mean :P
good to know ;)
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